ISI welcomes feedback from individuals and organisations on all aspects of our work.

Complaining about ISI

Whilst most inspections do not lead to a complaint, we take seriously any complaint we receive and will respond to it in accordance with our Inspection Complaints Policy.

Complaints about ISI’s non-inspection-related activities are considered under a separate complaints process.

Stage one complaint: informal

We value and prioritise open communication between school leaders and inspection teams on inspection. The reporting inspector will try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

If a school leader feels the reporting inspector was unable to resolve their complaint during the onsite inspection, they can request a phone call from ISI to discuss their concerns informally.

This must be done by completing and submitting the following online form.

Forms should be submitted within four term-time working days of the end of the onsite inspection.

Any issues raised during the phone call will be considered by the quality assurance team within our post-inspection quality assurance process.

For more information about the process and timeframes for raising an informal complaint, please read page six of our Inspection Complaints Policy.

Stage two complaint: formal

School leaders can submit a formal written complaint after receiving their draft inspection report.

This must be done by completing and submitting the following online form.

Forms should be submitted within five term-time working days of receiving the draft inspection report.

For more information about the process and timeframes for submitting a formal complaint, please read page seven of our Inspection Complaints Policy.

Stage three: independent adjudication

School leaders may request referral of a stage two complaint and ISI’s response to an independent adjudicator for review.

If school leaders choose to do this, they must complete and submit the following online form.

Following referral, the independent adjudicator will consider whether:

  • ISI followed our policy properly in handling the complaint; and/or

  • ISI reached a reasonable decision in response to the complaint.

For more information about the process and timeframes for making a referral to an independent adjudicator, please read pages eight to ten of our Inspection Complaints Policy.

ISI’s pool of independent adjudicators

ISI has a pool of independent adjudicators.

These are contracted professionals who are independent of ISI.

The role is not open to any inspector, employee or person currently or previously providing services other than complaints adjudication to ISI.

To be appointed, independent adjudicators must demonstrate significant experience and understanding of complaint handling and/or quality assurance. This includes the ability to make reasoned judgements and write reports with clarity, accuracy and independence.

Applicants must also have a clear enhanced DBS and a commitment to maintaining confidentiality.

ISI last recruited to its pool of independent adjudicators in September 2023. Appointments were approved by the ISI Board.

If school leaders refers their complaint for independent adjudication, they receive the career background of the independent adjudicator handling their referral.