ISI is accountable to the Department for Education - the regulator for independent schools in England.

We have an independent Board of Directors, which holds the leadership team to account for the delivery and quality of inspections.

Our Board and leadership team are fully independent from the Independent Schools Council, their associations and the schools that ISI inspects.

The Board is chaired by Pamela Chesters and currently comprises eight directors who were appointed because of their experience and skills.

The Board adheres to the Nolan Principles of Public Life and ISI’s own Code of Conduct. ISI's articles of association can be downloaded here.

The detailed scrutiny of certain areas of the Board’s responsibilities is delegated to two Committees. These are the Finance and Risk Committee and the Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

ISI's Education Advisory Forum acts as a stimulus for high-quality strategic thinking to inform the continuous development of ISI’s inspection activities and delivery of its educational mission. The group has no delegated authority from the Board.

Our Policies:

ISI Safeguarding Policy
ISI Board Code of Conduct
ISI Inspection Complaints Policy
ISI Whistleblowing Policy
ISI Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
ISI Data Protection Policy
ISI Data Subject Access Request Policy
ISI Personal Data Breach Policy
ISI Requests for Rectification or Erasure of Personal Data Policy
ISI Conflict Of Interest Policy
Safeguarding concerns raised during inspection.
ISI Non-inspection Complaints Policy.