ISI is not recruiting team inspectors at present.  Schools will be advised through regular ISI communications when the next recruitment round opens.

ISI not recruiting reporting inspectors at present.  Schools and/or team inspectors will be advised through regular ISI communications when the next recruitment round opens.

Inspector Code of Conduct +

The ISI code of conduct for inspectors:

Inspectors must adhere to the code of conduct. Inspectors are required to uphold the highest professional standards in relation to all who are involved in the process of inspection, before during and after the inspection. 

Inspectors will: 

•    uphold ISI’s values at all times and evaluate objectively in line with ISI’s frameworks and regulatory requirements

•    maintain up-to-date knowledge of ISI’s inspection frameworks, handbook, policies and practice and associated regulatory requirements and guidance 

•    maintain strict confidentiality about the timing and scheduling of inspections 

•    declare all actual and perceived conflicts of interest and have no real or perceived connection with the school prior to or following inspection, which could undermine the integrity of the inspection

•    act in the best interests of the pupils at the school and prioritise the safeguarding and welfare of children at all times 

•    act promptly and in line with ISI guidance on any safeguarding or health and safety issues that may arise on inspection 

•    work with professionalism, sensitivity and integrity, treating all with respect and courtesy 

•    follow requirements and good practice in relation to the secure management of information

•    be mindful of the additional workload that inspection can create, be sensitive to the needs of school staff and take reasonable steps to prevent undue anxiety and stress 

•    avoid any requests or suggestions that may cause undue disruption to business as usual for the school 

•    communicate regularly and productively with school leaders, keep them informed of emerging findings and judgements clearly and honestly 

•    evaluate the work of the school objectively and impartially supported by clear and secure evidence

•    report fairly and without favour ensuring that judgements are reliable 

•    respect the confidentiality of inspection evidence and judgements 

•    wear their ISI inspector identification badge at all times when on school premises 

•    use their ISI inspector title only in relation to their inspection work for ISI.