ISI welcomes feedback from individuals, schools and other organisations.
If you have a complaint about an inspection or other aspects of our work, we want to hear from you so we can try to resolve your concerns.
This page relates to complaints against ISI. To raise a concern about a school please click here.
Stage One: Informal Resolution
As outlined in our Complaints Policy, complaints should be raised with us informally in the first instance.
Complaints about an inspection
Our inspectors are trained to ensure good and regular communication with schools throughout the inspection process. The Reporting Inspector will try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
If you feel the Reporting Inspector was unable to resolve your complaint while on site, you can tell us by emailing within two working days of the end of an onsite inspection.
Complaints about ISI
Please email with details of your complaint and we will be in touch to see how we can resolve your issue.
Formal Complaints
If your complaint is still unresolved after intial communication with us, you can submit a formal complaint by emailing
For more information about submitting a formal complaint, please read our Complaints Policy.